The No Fly Zone

Learnings, teachings, tips & tricks for anyone to reference concerning mosquitoes and other outdoor pests.

Mosquito Elite Mosquito Elite

Protecting Your Furry Friend

Ensuring your dog is protected from mosquitoes is vital for their health and happiness. By using safe and effective methods, such as diluted citrus juice, eliminating standing water, planting mosquito-repellent plants, or utilizing pet-specific repellents, you can reduce the risk of mosquito bites and potential diseases. However, for the most comprehensive and long-lasting protection, consider investing in professional mosquito control services to create a mosquito-free haven for your furry friend to enjoy safely. Contact Mosquito Elite today to make your yard a No Fly Zone!

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Mosquito Elite Mosquito Elite

Louisiana had an unusually early case of West Nile virus this year.

Louisiana had an unusually early case of West Nile virus this year. Louisiana is one of nine states that have so far reported the disease this year, and the case was one of only 13 in the country as of June 13, according to the CDC. The state had a total of 49 cases in 2022. West Nile virus is spread by mosquitoes to humans and animals and can cause severe illness or death, though only about 20% of people infected actually experience symptoms, according to LDH. In extremely rare instances, infections are spread through blood transfusions, organ transplants or breastfeeding. A mosquito gets infected by biting a bird infected with West Nile. Mosquitoes do not transmit the virus between people, so an uninfected mosquito cannot bite a human with the virus and become infected.

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